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An Introduction to Enchanting Emerald Explorer


Welcome to my little corner of the internet. This is going to be a long introduction so get grab yourself a cuppa and get comfy. 


I'm in my mid 20's and I feel, well I guess the best way to describe it is lost. I know I'm not alone and this has probably been exaggerated for many of us over last couple of years. As if you are like me you have been in 'survival mode'. 

I'm grateful to have a lovely life with wonderful people in it. However, I have missed that feeling of excitement from doing something you love. 

So I started to think about hobbies I used to enjoy. I even considered getting Sea Monkey's. (Now isn't that a throwback to the early 2000's!). Which lead me to deciding to create this blog. 

For the love of writing!

Writing is an activity that I have always enjoyed. Whether that was writing stories as a child or dipping my toes into blogging on Tumblr (again another throwback!) as a teenager.  

Several years ago I started a lifestyle blog which I wrote for a few years. I started it not long after my boyfriend and I first moved to London. I would explore the city, take photos and share what I had discovered. I developed a love of photography through this. I also wrote product reviews, book reviews, recipes, advice and more! Not only did I love writing I also enjoyed planning my blog content. 

I had some success with that blog. I was invited to a few blogger events and asked to review several books. 

However, whilst I was in London my job became at risk of redundancy. My boyfriend and I decide to move to Newcastle (one of the best decisions we have ever made). Unfortunately it wasn't smooth sailing. Not only did we end of moving during the start of the pandemic (less than ideal!) my first job up north was let's just say far from ideal!

As a result life started to feel overwhelming so sadly I stopped blogging. The longer I stepped away from blogging the louder my imposter syndrome became. When I tried to get back into blogging I felt like my writing wasn't good enough and started to feel embarrassed. I have since realised that I'm holding myself back from writing which brings me joy. 

Just thinking about starting to write again fills me with delight. For now I have decided to keep my blog anonymous so I can write freely (and hopefully keep the imposter syndrome at bay!). Once I have confidence in my writing I may change my mind. For me this blog is going to be a real passion project.

Where did Enchanting Emerald Explorer come from? 

I started with explorer as during the past few years I have realised that exploring nourishes my soul. I think this is because of the sense of adventure and discovery. Then thought emerald explorer as emeralds are my birth month gemstone (May). After a quick Google search I found emerald explorer as a name of a cruise company's reward scheme and also a dragon in Hearthstone (the more you know!). 

I decided to add another word, of course it had to begin with 'e' to keep the alliteration going. It can't just be me who finds alliteration satisfying! I decided on enchanting as I want my blog to focus on the little joys in life. 

So here we are, the end of my first blog post on Enchanting Emerald Explorer. I'm excited to see this blog take shape and where it could lead. 

I hope you stick around for the journey! 

E x


  1. Keep writing ! Would love to read about Tyneside and Newcastle lifestyle.


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