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The Book that Changed My Life: How to be Champion by Sarah Millican

Sarah Millican was one of the first comedian's I saw and she made me fall in love with comedy. I have seen her live a couple of times (and plan to see her again soon!). So naturally when she released her book How to be Champion, I had to read it (and subsequently get it the audiobook). 

As to be expected How to be Champion was witty and hilarious but unexpectedly it had a profound impact on my life. 

Sarah writes about her life, from being a child in a mining family during the strikes, her ambitions as a writer, her divorce, body image and taking a risk trying stand up comedy for the first time. Each chapter ends with a sprinkle of advice (How to be Champion Tips) as she reflects over the life lessons she learnt during that period of her life. 

Her words changed my life. I related to her quiet but strong determination she showed throughout her life even as a child. As I have often been described as quietly determined but never really new what that meant until I saw it reflected in someone else. 

Sarah taking the risk to start stand up comedy is something that inspires me. Part of the reason I stopped my first blog is a felt embarrassed that people I knew read my blog. It made me second guess myself and feel self conscious. This is the reason why this blog is currently anonymous. I'm hoping that confidence in who you are comes with time and learning who you are. Part of why I created this blog and more specifically the Wallflower Explorer Series is to learn who I am in the hope I can have confidence in who I am. 

Reading Sarah journey into stand up comedy also made me reflect on my life. As many of us do and have I have winged my life taking opportunities as they came. I am now realising I don't have to wait for opportunities to come along. I can make them myself!

Picture from here.

Her approach to body image was also refreshing. Like many of us Sarah's body image ebbs and flows but instead of fixating on her body she focuses on herself as a person. Something we often forget, especially as women where our worth is often misplaced on how we look. She reminded me to take time to remember you are more than your body. 

The one How to be Champion Tip that has really stuck with me is to make sure to check in with yourself occasionally. Are you happy where you live? your job? your partner? to name a few. If you are not happy change it! 

This piece of advice made me realise I was no longer happy living in London and going through the motions. In turn it influence my partner and I's decision to move to Newcastle almost 2 years a go. I honestly have never felt more at home and content with where I live. 

Peppered throughout the book are shining examples of Sarah appreciation of the small things in life. Something we can all strive towards and I hope to share with you in my blog. 

I have listened to How to be Champion on Audible several times now. As it is read by Sarah it really feels like she is speaking to me. I always relisten to it when ever I'm feeling a bit meh, not only does she make me laugh but her wise advice often helps me to rethink my current mindset.

Have you read How to be Champion? and if so what did you think?

What book have you read that changed your life? Let me know in the comments section below. 

E x


  1. She is hilarious and so I bet this is a great biography to check out.

  2. She is! I hope you get to check out How to be Champion soon!

  3. I absolutely adore Sarah Millican and would love to read her book; it sounds wonderful and much needed! Thanks for this, I will check it out!

    Molly |

    1. Thank you, I adore her too. I hope you enjoy reading her book!

  4. I have seen Sarah Millican twice before and she is brilliant! I haven’t actually read her book though. It sounds like a great read. Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

    1. Thank you, she is brilliant! If you like her I'm sure you will like her book.


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